Note: unless in stock, there is currently a 16-week lead time on these products. 100 Series Special Threat...
Please note: there is currently a 16-week lead time on these products. Level IIIA P110 Special Threat Plate...
Unless currently in stock, all BAO Tactical products ship within 8 weeks. V3 Level IIIA Shooter's Cut Ballistic...
Unless currently in stock, all BAO Tactical products ship within 8 weeks. 5x11 Level IIIA Insert Set for...
Tencate Advanced Armor USA has now changed its name to Integris Composites. Unless listed as In Stock, all Integris...
Used 5x8 Soft Blunt Trauma Pads These pads come from a variety of manufacturers. Reduces blunt trauma by...
Tencate Advanced Armor USA has now changed its name to Integris Composites. Unless listed as In Stock, all Integris...
Model L211 Low Visibility Special Threat Plate The BAO Tactical L211 is a premium body armor plate designed for...
These plates ship within 3-4 weeks. 200 Series Stand Alone Special Threat Rifle Plate Low Visibility, Multi-Curve, Swimmer's...
All Dark Matter products have a 2 week lead time. High-Threat Energy Dispersal Pad - 10x12 The DarkMatter Difference...