Understanding Body Armor Protection Levels

Level III Hard Armor Plates

Level III hard armor plates are designed to protect against 5.56x45mm M193 rounds fired from an AR-15 or similar rifle, as well as 7.62x51mm rounds from rifles like the FN SCAR or the older M14. This level of protection also provides insights into the 7.62x51 vs .30-06 debate, addressing the differences between these calibers.

These armor plates are frequently rated to guard against the dangerous 5.56x45mm M855 NATO Green Tip rounds, which is part of the broader 30-06 vs 5.56 comparison, and they also offer protection against larger calibers like the .30-06 JSP.

Level IV Hard Armor Plates

Level IV hard armor plates offer the highest level of protection. They are suitable for defense against high-caliber threats and emphasize the 30-06 vs 5.56 debate. These plates are designed to provide adequate defense against up to and including black tip .30-06 M2AP armor-piercing rounds.

1 comment
Stetsi April 17, 2023

Wow. Great graphic.
Your designer is a PRO!

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